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Embracing my raw self and who I really am.

I am going to be Fifty Seven years old, THERE I SAID (wrote) IT! I am so over trying to cover up the lines on my face and all the imperfections that I see whenever I look into the mirror. I am at the age when I realize it's time to take ownership for all that I've earned. I have done a lot, seen a lot, and gave birth to two of the most beautiful sons and I wouldn't change it for anything.

The other day while getting ready to go out and run some errands, I thought, I really don't feel like taking a 1/2 hour to put on my makeup just to go to the store and get dinner for that night, so I washed my face, put on some moisturizer and ran out the door. That is something I NEVER would have done, EVER. I thought, "I am still a young 50ish year old, and I can get away with it". After glancing at myself here and in there in the rear view mirror, I felt pretty darn good that I could get away with it.

It sounds silly doesn't it. We have programmed ourselves into thinking the only way to feel pretty is to get all glammed up before leaving our houses. That first thought of, "What if I bump into someone at the store while looking like I just rolled out of bed?" This horrible thought should have been left back when I was in my thirties or forties., but now, I can say with confidence that I look and feel pretty darn good for my age. It's not that you stop caring about how your aging or what you look like, it's about wearing it well, and showing off all of those lines and wrinkles that could tell a story about how you earned them. I want to wear them proudly.

When I was young, I was always told that I was a pretty girl, and although it was nice to hear, I never believed it. I mean, I didn't feel ugly, but I never felt as pretty as I was told. The other day while browsing on Instagram. I felt really sad for all of these young girls that are already beautiful, but are constantly uploading photos just for followers or the constant need to hear "your so beautiful" "your amazing". The young women ARE beautiful, but it made me feel sad for them. The need to make an impression with their looks alone tells a lot about someone. They are under enormous pressure to make it doing what they love but what happens when they start to age, what happens when those compliments aren't as frequent? How sad to rely or to think your beauty is enough to get by. Every girl in her 20's has a natural look, youthful and beautiful, but unfortunately "time" creeps up very quickly, they need to be valued for more than their looks. Unless it's your job, It seems really shallow, and boring after awhile. I had to shut it down. I do love instagram for my blogging and getting it out there., but how wonderful it would be to inspire for showing your raw self, your genuine self. I was given that suggestion a few weeks ago. There really aren't a lot of people who are happy with who they are.

When I was growing up, we didn't have the internet, we didn't have a lot of things. The internet makes it easier for the younger generations. So when I'm asked would I want to be in my 20's again, NO. been there, done that. I wouldn't have changed it for the anything, so I would never try to repeat history for fear I'd miss something.

"A beautiful young woman is an accident of Nature

"A beautiful woman of age is a work of art."

(Something like that)

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