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How I Deal with Anxiety

Anxiety, that ugly word.

Definition- A mental health disorder characterized by feelings of worry, anxiety, or fear that are strong enough to interfere with one's daily activities.

It's hard to explain to anyone who doesn't have it. You can always write it down for them, and they can read it twenty times but the truth is, they can't relate. I do feel everyone has experienced anxiety in some way or another, but there are so many different forms of it. There is the anxiety some people get when they're excited about a big night out, or a new baby coming into the family, but I'm talking about the kind that can be debilitating. Throughout my life, I've dealt with that kind of anxiety. It comes and goes, depending on what brings it on.

It isn't fun, and if you have a great support system, friends and family, it definitely helps. Just to have somebody say to you, "It'll be ok, it's really NOT that bad". That statement can make such a big difference. It's also a PLUS when you do have that support at home.

Having anxiety is nothing to be ashamed of, it doesn't make you a weak person.

Often, I've said to myself, "I need to get stronger and grow some balls". It doesn't work that way, at least not for me. It's funny too because growing up, I was always known as the "voice of reason" and the "peace maker", always taking care of others before myself. I tend to feel like a little mouse scared of my own shadow when a conflict is present. I hate conflicts.

Currently, I'm dealing with finding a job that I can stay with until I retire and I am not having any luck. I took a part time job because I had no choice and although the people are great, it's really not ideal. So... that is what I'm going to chalk up my recent bout of anxiety with., I also need to get back to my fitness routine, I'm sure that plays a huge roll.

Exercise is really important and can make a big difference when it comes to feeling stressed. Although, I feel very fortunate to have my family and friends who tell me that they are here for me if I need anything when things can feel overwhelming.

I know it will be fine and it is just temporary but it's like walking on your tippy toes and hoping you don't have to deal with anything aggravating big or small.

Never feel alone when dealing with anxiety. It is very common. More than 3 million US cases per year and is highly treatable.

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